Offshore Wind Consultation Process
A Senate inquiry into offshore wind industry consultation process (the Inquiry), is due to report on 13 March 2025. Submissions to the Committee closed on August 30, 2024. WRL made a submission to the inquiry. A copy is available here. The Standing Committee may request oral evidence at public hearings in early March. WRL expressed interest in giving oral evidence. The Committee will decide if they need further input before inviting WRL to appear. Once the report is released, WRL will send an email to update Members with a link to the recommendations. We are looking for major improvement to the consultation process which results in less confrontational, and more evidence based and productive consultation in the future.
Offshore wind proposals
The declared area offshore of Bunbury has been approved for wind farming and applications invited from potential proponents. Despite the deadline for applications being extended twice, WRL have not been notified of any applications for a feasibility license related to the area off Bunbury. This does not mean that future applications will not be made by proponents. WRL have developed a document for provision to potential proponents outlining industry considerations which should be taken in to account by proponents who lodge applications with NOPSEMA;
Murchison Hydrogen Renewables
The timeframe for comment on the Murchison Hydrogen Renewables (MHR) project has been moved out to the third quarter of 2025 to allow for a revised Environmental Review Document (ERD) to be lodged with the EPA for assessment. The ERD will be lodged in mid 2025 following the issue, on 24 January 2025, of a Notice of Consent to Amend a Referred Proposal During Assessment.
The amendments are to both the onshore and offshore aspects of the project.
The affected Marine Area of the proposal has increased by 51% to 857.5 ha and includes a significant increase in dredging, length of undersea pipeline and the marine export facility. A complete list of amendments to the project is available here.
WRL will be making submission to the EPA during the consultation period and has already been engaging with both DPIRD and WAFIC in readiness to work on responding to the ERD. WRL will keep members up to date on this important matter but for those who prefer, updates and progress on the project are available at the EPA website and project website.
Marmion Marine Park
On May 3, 2024 the State Government paused planning to extend the existing Marmion Marine Park until the South Coast Marine Park process concluded. Later that month DBCA advised WRL that although plans had been agreed within government, further engagement on the expansion and management plan for the Marine Park would occur after the State election.
WRL have no confidence in the integrity of either the process or State decisions in relation to Marine Parks.
Despite an abysmal failure in term of consultation with WAFIC, the South Coast Marine Park was announced in December 2024. Before being deferred, the unfinished consultation process for the future of the Marmion Marine Park was equally inadequate and agreement within government, by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA), traditional custodians and the Conservation and Parks Commission, outside the unfinished consultation process with industry, confirms our experience that industry concerns have not and will not be addressed.
The election is upon us and the Government have still not announced their position on the Marmion Marine Park extension or how commercial fishing concerns have been addressed.
Promised engagement to improve consultative processes has not occurred and there is no clear process for engagement to develop scientifically robust Marine Park planning following the election.
WRL remain adamant that resource access within the Marmion Marine Park should not be removed and the DBCA have not provided any justification or evidence to sustain such a decision. Excluding WRL fishers from the Park is inconsistent with the information known and assessed as part of the sector’s Marine Stewardship Council certification, which shows commercial rock lobster fishing does not affect marine habitats but has a positive effect on biodiversity by putting bait into the environment.
WRL will keep you informed of developments on this matter.
Seismic Survey (SS)
Pilot Energy have been active in working directly with fishers to help develop a method of assessing the effect of SS on catch rates. DPIRD and WRL have, since the first notice from Pilot Energy that they intended to conduct seismic research in the area, worked to ensure that any research upon which WRL and DPIRD will rely in engaging in the Environmental Impact Assessment evaluation process conducted by the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) is both robust and appropriate.
Pilot Energy must address industry concerns before receiving the survey license and has agreed to work with WRL and DPIRD to develop research on the seismic survey’s impact on lobsters in the proposed survey area. A Steering Committee comprising WRL, DPIRD, and Pilot is leading the research, and DPIRD and Pilot are finalising the research proposal before discussing it with fishers. WRL has drafted a confidentiality agreement for use by fishers if they are required to share their data with Pilot Energy. Fishers will need to seek independent advice before signing legal agreements. A Steering Committee meeting will be called shortly to finalise the research proposal.