World Leading Sustainable Fishery

Upcoming 2024 Annual Management Meetings

The 2024 West Coast Rock Lobster Annual Management Meetings (AMMs) will be held on Monday, 11th of November in Fremantle and Wednesday, 13th of November in Geraldton.

Commercial Take of Setose Now Permitted Year-Round

Approval has been granted for year-round commercial take of setose western rock lobster. High breeding stock levels ensure this extension beyond the May-October season poses no threat to sustainability.

The Biology, Behaviour, and Ecology of the Western Rock Lobster

Discover over 50 years of research on the biology, behaviour, and ecology of the Western Rock Lobster in an accessible format.

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We strive to build a confident, sustainable and well respected industry.

The western rock lobster industry is an iconic, world-class fishery based on the spiny lobster (Panulirus cygnus) found along the pristine coastline of Western Australia, stretching from North West Cape to Cape Leeuwin.
WA rock lobster fishery became the world’s first to be certified as ecologically sustainable by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) in 2000. Since then, it has successfully maintained its certification through five recertifications, demonstrating its ongoing commitment to responsible fishing practices.
It is Western Australia’s most valuable fishery contributing over $400 million annually to the state’s economy and has historically been Australia’s most valuable single-species wild capture fishery.
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