Securing WA’s Fisheries: The Fight for Sustainability and Resource Access

Western Rock Lobster sincerely thanks you, your family, and friends for supporting WRL’s efforts to secure Government agreement to the 15 Principles that Joint Industry (WRL, WAFIC, AQWA, and Pearling) and DPIRD have endorsed as the foundation for the upcoming review and amendment of the FRMA. These Principles were also backed by Recfishwest during the sector workshop where they were agreed upon.

As the State Government entered caretaker mode, it supported all but two of the Principles. In response, WRL and Joint Industry acted swiftly to prioritise securing support for the two critical Principles – resource access security and mandatory recreational catch reporting where sustainability is at risk.

To ensure decision-making was informed by community sentiment, WRL commissioned an independent survey to assess public support for catch reporting in cases where resources are under threat. The results were resounding: the community overwhelmingly supports mandatory recreational catch reporting when sustainability is at risk.  The full survey is available HERE.

WRL and WAFIC have since led a sustained public campaign to secure commitments from major political parties to adopt all 15 Joint Industry Principles. The National Party has pledged full support for all 15. Both the Liberal and Labor parties have endorsed 14 out of 15 Principles; however, while the Liberal Party remains engaged with industry on sustainability reporting, the current government has outright rejected mandatory recreational catch reporting where sustainability is at risk.

WRL remains unwavering in its commitment to all 15 Principles and will continue to strongly advocate for mandatory recreational catch reporting where sustainability is at risk as we engage with the FRMA review and amendment process.

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