Leadership in Safety – How to become a leader in safety

A safety leader is someone who influences good decisions and positive behaviours.

Here are four ways that you can start to improve your safety leadership skills:

  • Be a positive influence on crew members.
  • Be proactive and take action to avoid injuries- be aware of the “line of fire”. Line of fire means you see someone is exposed to a hazard that could cause an injury, or worse.
  • Work with the crew to set safety expectations from everyone as a team.
  • Be proactive and ensure safety drills are conducted regularly with experienced and novice crew, and records are kept up to date.


Stay tuned for the next Leadership in Safety topic in which we will begin to discuss due diligence.


If you require advice or support related to your Safety Management System or safety in general, please contact: 

Tanya Adams, safety specialist for the professional fishing industry. 

P: 0417 961 973 

E: fishsafeaustralia@iinet.net.au 

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