Western Rock Lobster Stock Assessment 2022

The Western Rock Lobster Stock Assessment 2022 is now available to industry.

Please click on the link below to access the document developed by Drs Nick Caputi, Simon de Lestang and Jason How from DPIRD.

WRL Annual Stock Assessment Report 2022.


The key indicators of the assessment show that:

  • The TACC was achieved in 2021 (within 1%).
  • Recreational catches were within the TARC in 2020/21, using the 5-year rolling average model.
  • Current standardised commercial catch rates are at very high levels in all fishing zones (close to record levels).
  • Current egg production is well above threshold levels and close to historical highs throughout fishery.
  • Recent recruitment into the fishery has been average/just above average, and the 2021/22 settlement is close to average.


In summary, the 2022 stock assessment indicates that the western rock lobster resource is currently well above threshold reference levels and is being sustainably fished at current harvest rates.


The information will be presented at the upcoming West Coast Rock Lobster Annual Management Meetings on Monday, 8 August 2022 in Fremantle and Wednesday, 10 August 2022 in Geraldton.

It is essential you RSVP via this link by Friday 29th July if you wish to attend in person to make the registration process as efficient as possible, and to ensure there is enough food and drinks for everyone.

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