We would like to remind all members and fishers that the annual arrangements for setose lobsters commenced on Wednesday, 1 May 2024.
As of 1st May and until 31st October, fishers are permitted to take, consign, possess, and sell setose western rock lobster from the West Coast Rock Lobster Fishery.
In previous years, an Instrument of Exemption (IOE) has been issued to permit these activities during the whale migration period. In 2020, the setose exemption was not renewed as a result of several amendments made to the Fish Resources Management Regulations 1995, which came into effect in October 2019. These Regulations classified setose western rock lobster as ‘Commercially Protected Fish’ under Schedule 2 Part 1 of Regulations only during the specified time, from 1 November to 30 April in any year.
Please note that while you may still retain female setose rock lobsters during this period, any species of lobster carrying eggs (berried females) or western rock lobsters with tarspots are totally protected.
Processors and registered receivers are permitted to possess and sell setose western rock lobster all year round, provided they were taken legally (i.e., taken and landed between 1 May and 31 October).