Stay Afloat Program – Mental Health Management for the Fishing Industry

Australia’s commercial fishers endure levels of psychological distress at a level almost double the general population, with the top three stressors being:

  • Government red tape
  • Uncertainty about future access regulations
  • Changes to access regulations

Almost half of those who reported problems hadn’t reached out for help because they thought no one would understand the pressures of the industry – but, now there is somewhere to make sure they do.

Stay Afloat Australia is the national mental health pilot program for the Australian seafood industry, run by the Seafood Industry Australia and supported with funding from the Australian Government Department of Health, dedicated to improving the mental health and wellness and education of members of the Australian Seafood industry – and their families.

The program has been designed to help break the stigma associated with mental health problems, connect industry with existing local services, and educate healthcare workers about the Australian seafood industry, its operations and the unique stressors our fishers face.

A range of learning activities are available to commercial seafood communities, including accredited Mental Health First Aid Training and grants to host community-led events to raise awareness about mental health and provide support and tools to improve the wellbeing of commercial fishers.


Click on the following links for details:


For more information on Stay Afloat Australia please contact Program Manager Jo Marshall via or 0408 008 344.


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