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Instruments of Exemption (IOE)

Below you can view/download the latest Instruments of Exemption (IOE) relevant to your fishing operations:s

Big Bank 2025 Exemption

EXEM 251313525

Removes the prohibition of fishing for rock lobster within the Big Bank area as defined by Schedule 4 of the West Coast Rock Lobster Managed Fishery Management Plan 2012 for the period 1 February to 30 June 2025.

BOB Event 2024 Exemption

EXEM 251300924

Allows commercial fishers to land unlimited back of boat lobsters in respect of a trip and provides exemption from the requirements of a registered receiver specified under the West Coast Rock Lobster Managed Fishery Management Plan 2012.

Use of bovine material, skin or hide as bait

EXEM 251300824

Allows fishers to use bovine material, skin or hide as bait when fishing for rock lobster in the West Coast Rock Lobster Managed Fishery and the South Coast Crustacean Managed Fishery, for a commercial purpose.

Season transition exemption

EXEM 251245124

Allows operators awaiting applications for the transfer of entitlement, to fish with additional pots while transfers of entitlements are pending, to a maximum of 150 pots from 1 July to 1 August 2024.

Whale season pot usage exemption for small entitlement fishers

EXEM 251129823

Allows smaller fishers to use additional rock lobster pots during the whale mitigation season of 1 May – 31 October each year. 

Commercial take of setose Western Rock Lobster year-round

EXEM 251281224

Allows the commercial take of setose western rock lobster throughout the entire year.

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