Stay Afloat Program – Mental Health Management for the Fishing Industry

Australia’s commercial fishers endure levels of psychological distress at a level almost double the general population, with the top three stressors being: Government red tape Uncertainty about future access regulations Changes to access regulations Almost half of those who reported problems hadn’t reached out for help because they thought no one would understand the pressures […]

WRL partners with the Clontarf Foundation

WRL is proud to partner with the Clontarf Foundation, a national organisation dedicated to improving the education and life skills of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men.   About Clontarf Foundation The Clontarf Foundation exists to improve the education, discipline, life skills, self-esteem and employment prospects of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and […]

Western Rock Lobster Industry Economic Contribution Report

Last year WRL engaged ACIL Allen, a leading independent economics, policy and strategy advisory firm, to complete a report on the economic contribution of the western rock lobster industry in 2020-21. You can read the report here. Members were asked to contribute to an ACIL Allen survey to profile the WRL industry. The survey results were […]

Australian Institute of Commercial Diver Training proposal

WRL has recently been contacted by Rare Foods Australia Ltd & Evaluation Pty Ltd (RFA & E) in relation to a proposed commercial dive school concept that could potentially tailor a commercial dive course for the WRL community. The Australian Institute of Commercial Diver Training proposal offers an alternative to traditional ADAS (Australian Diver Accreditation […]

WHS Laws – What does this mean for a commercial fisher?

Recently, WRL informed members and fishers that the WA Minister for Industrial Relations announced that the Work and Safety Act 2020 and accompanying regulations would commence on 31 March 2022. It is important that members and fishers who hold leadership roles and have responsibilities for workplace health and safety know what the new legislation means for them and […]

Date set for WA’s new WHS laws to commence

Last December, WRL informed members and fishers that the release of WA’s new Work Health and Safety (WHS) regulations had been delayed and the new laws were expected to come into effect in March 2022. Recently, the Minister for Industrial Relations, the Honourable Bill Johnston MLA, announced that the Work and Safety Act 2020 and accompanying regulations will […]

COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccination Information for WRL Industry

Since October 2021, WRL has sought clarification of the WA Government’s mandatory vaccination policies and how they would affect our industry. You may recall, there were three groups who were subject to a different phased approach of mandatory vaccinations. The first group were deemed to be occupations that were at sufficiently high risk of transmission, […]

Back of Boat Lobsters Sale and Media Event with Minister Punch

Last Tuesday we had a very successful Back of Boat Lobster sale and media event in Fremantle Harbour with Minister Punch to announce the increase of the BoBs limit per landing. The event generated a lot of interest and enthusiasm from the community and received wide media coverage that garnered more visibility and awareness for […]

Development Education Capacity Knowledge (DECK) Program 2021

WRL continues its commitment to the education and professional development for industry’s next generation of leaders.   This month WRL conducted its third edition of the annual DECK Program, the interactive industry forum designed to deliver quality professional development and learning opportunities for industry’s next generation of leaders. The event was held from midday on Wednesday 13th […]